Xitanium non-isolated Dipswitch
Xitanium 42W 175-300mA 140V DS 230V
Xitanium LED drivers with single current output offer industry leading performance and reliability at optimized cost. They are ideal for high volume applications while delivering to specific requirements. These drivers offer the same level of performance as Xitanium adjustable current linear drivers to ensure high quality of light, but with a specific current setting for optimized performance. Due to the low output current ripple, you can be sure to offer your customers high quality of light without visual flicker and stroboscopic effects.
• High quality of light
• H igh reliability
• O ptimized performance at specific output current settings
• Low output current tolerance
• L ow output current ripple
• F lexible current setting (4 output currents – dipswitch)
• S uitable for Class I luminaires
• Offices
• R etail: supermarkets, shopping malls